Case Study: Amber of A Creative Co

Want to know how my unique method helps solopreneurs? 

Check out my most cherished clients and their results working with Vow + Vast.

We’ll be checking their temperature on how they felt in their business before outsourcing to V+V. Asking how their experience was pinpointing what they needed the most help with. And most importantly, how working with us just after 3 months has affected not only their operations but balance and mindset. 

In this case study, we have Amber who is the CEO + Founder of A Creative Co.

Before V+V

What were your biggest problems/frustrations that led you to contact V+V? 

I was SO overwhelmed with the amount of work I was facing as a solo-preneur and the lack of systems I had in place. I was working 14 hour days, working on the weekends, and my business was growing and I had no more room for growth by myself.

How were you feeling from a scale to perfectly balanced and happy to overwhelmed and burnt-out (1-5 scale with a short explanation)?

Amber Figlow

Photo by Christina Jones Photography

ONE - burnt. the. heck. out. I was ready to give up on my business or give half of my clients away because my mental health was no longer worth it.

Why didn't you take action to solve these problems before approaching V+V? (Needed a more robust contractor, pay, felt stuck, etc)

I didn't even know where to begin as far as outsourcing, and I heard from multiple people that I should start with a VA. When I started researching, I knew I needed a VA but I needed something even more. Someone that was interested in my well-being as a business owner also. Someone who could "whip me into shape" persay. 

What were your underlying fears that dictated delegating and outsourcing in the past? 

I am a recovering perfectionist haha! I have a VERY hard time letting go and delegating because I felt as though I was the only one who could do it right and do it quickly. I have also struggled with taking the time to train others to handle smaller tasks. My mindset was always... the time it would take me to train someone to do it would be far greater than just doing it myself.

What does your ideal work-life solution look like for you?

I am working my way towards it, but I want to get to a place where I can easily step away from my business if I need to. Ultimately I want to work into a 4-day work week and more passive income!

After V+V

How do you feel now?

There was an immediate sense of relief when I first started working with Kristen of V+V! It was tough, I won't lie, she really made me evaluate my business and personal life and had me make some tough decisions while holding me accountable. IT WAS SO WORTH IT! I am finally in a place in my business where I am delegating, working an ideal schedule, taking time off, NOT working weekends, and I am now moving into working on personal goals also!

How has delegating changed your life?

It is the one thing I am still struggling with, and feel like I always will, but it has allowed me the free time to explore the big picture items in my business. By delegating, I have been able to grow my business, expand, and make more money! 

How have our weekly calls helped your day-to-day operations?

I love using 1:1 to review everything that is going on but Kristen also acts as a business partner to help me work on future goals and plans. She strives for me to think big picture, while also streamlining and organizing my day-to-day.



I am finally in a place in my business where I am delegating, working an ideal schedule, taking time off, NOT working weekends, and I am now moving into working on personal goals also!

How close are you to achieving your ideal solution from above?

I would say I am about 75% there. I still have quite a few things I need to tackle, both with and without Kristen, but in just a few short months I have worked with her, I am leaps and bounds above what I could have done alone.

How are you feeling now? From a scale to perfectly balanced and happy to overwhelmed and burnt-out (1-5 scale with a short explanation).

FOUR - I feel like I am ALMOST there. With Kristen of V+V, I have tackled a lot of goals and balance in my business, and now we are going to focus on integrating my personal goals and truly finding a work-life balance.

How do you feel about your productivity and work management now with V+V by your side?

I am finally in a place where I can tackle tasks quickly, truly living by the motto "done is better than perfect." Kristen has helped get my systems into place for a more productive and efficient balance.

What are you able to focus on now as a result of increasing productivity and outsourcing?

I have worked towards and started to hit milestones in developing passive income for my business! 

In what other ways do you find that V+V's unique method of virtual assistance, project management, and productivity has helped you and your business?

I needed more than a VA. I needed someone to come into my business and feel more like a partner. I needed someone to evaluate my weaknesses and supplement them. That is what I have found with Kristen of V+V! 

Want V+V on your team?


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