Case Study: Erika of Erika Vidal Holmes

Want to know how my unique method helps solopreneurs? 

Check out my most cherished clients and their results working with Vow + Vast.

We’ll be checking their temperature on how they felt in their business before outsourcing to V+V. Asking how their experience was pinpointing what they needed the most help with. And most importantly, how working with us just after 3 months has affected not only their operations but balance and mindset. 

In this case study, we have Erika who is the Owner of Erika Vidal Holmes aka the fairy copy godmother..

Before V+V

What were your biggest problems/frustrations that led you to contact V+V? 

I had a lot of ideas for my business, but not enough time to execute them while balancing my client workload. I had a long list of marketing to-dos and not enough time or technical know-how to make them happen on my own. I wanted support so that I could focus on writing, serving my clients, and hand off the other stuff to someone else. I knew that if I wanted to keep serving my clients really well AND keep the marketing running to grow the business, I needed help.

How were you feeling from a scale to perfectly balanced and happy to overwhelmed and burnt-out (1-5 scale with a short explanation)?

Erika Holmes

Photo by Ashlee Hamon Photography

I’d say I was between a 3.5. I mostly felt scattered and pulled in lots of different directions. I was also anxious to get the ideas out of my head and into the world.

Why didn't you take action to solve these problems before approaching V+V? (Needed a more robust contractor, pay, felt stuck, etc)

I have had a few VAs over the years, but each of them pivoted in their business and stopped offering what I really needed. I also knew I was ready for someone who was more integrated into my day-to-day and who could eventually step into more of a project management.

What were your underlying fears that dictated delegating and outsourcing in the past? 

I generally like working solo and am not a fan of managing people or dealing with conflict. I was mostly worried about my ability to delegate and give direction. I used to feel “bad” delegating things (I still kind of do, to some extent). I knew I needed someone who was resourceful enough to figure things out on their own if they got stuck, but I wasn’t sure how to “vet” that.

What does your ideal work-life solution look like for you?

Being able to take off work when I need or want to without feeling stressed, and knowing that the business will keep running. With a service-based business, that’s hard because the revenue right now depends on me doing the work. But my goal is to build up a new side of the business that can start bringing in some more of that “passive” scalable revenue.

After V+V

How do you feel now?

I feel supported and like I am on track to meet my business goals. I really feel like I have a partner in Kristen/V+V. If I have an idea, but I’m stuck on how best to bring it to fruition or organize it, I know I can bounce it off Kristen for feedback. It’s also so amazing having someone else on the inside of my business looking at things from a new perspective and keeping tabs on things that might fall through the cracks.

How has delegating changed your life?

Oh, I’m now becoming addicted to delegating. I still have some mindset things to overcome because I often think, “Why do I need to delegate this, I can technically do it myself?” But the fact is, delegating frees up so much brain space for me. I am getting more comfortable with saying, “Hey, is this something you can do?”

How have our weekly calls helped your day-to-day operations?

So much! They just help keep me accountable and also remind me of all the “balls” that are up in the air. It also helps me take a look at my week and see what is realistic or where I am being the bottleneck and dropping the ball.


I love that beyond virtual assistance,

Kristen provides ideas for creating and streamlining processes. She also helps me reevaluate my schedule and day-to-day work style to see where I can improve and make more space to focus and get things done.

How close are you to achieving your ideal solution from above?

I would say I’m getting there! It was amazing taking a full day off the other day and knowing that Kristen was knocking out things in the background.

How are you feeling now? From a scale to perfectly balanced and happy to overwhelmed and burnt-out (1-5 scale with a short explanation).

I’d say I’m at a 2 right now. I don’t feel overwhelmed or burnt-out at the moment, but perfectly balanced and happy may be a unicorn I’ll never find :). I’m cool with that though.

How do you feel about your productivity and work management now with V+V by your side?

My productivity has definitely improved, because there are things I know are being “handled” on the backend. In terms of work management, projects are getting prioritized much better and things aren’t getting lost in the shuffle!

What are you able to focus on now as a result of increasing productivity and outsourcing?

I’m able to focus on serving my clients at the highest level and building out the newer side of the business that I’m working on. I also know that I can delegate the things I don’t love or am not good at doing!

In what other ways do you find that V+V's unique method of virtual assistance, project management, and productivity has helped you and your business?

I love that beyond virtual assistance, Kristen provides ideas for creating and streamlining processes. She also helps me reevaluate my schedule and day-to-day work style to see where I can improve and make more space to focus and get things done.

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