The Magic of Cycle Tracking

Have you ever wondered which parts of your menstrual cycle play in your day-to-day life? 

Have you ever considered using varying energy to drive your creative forces or empower big life choices? 

Enter your new bestie: Cycle Tracking!

Whether you write it down in a journal, use an app, or even have a cycle management coach (like my coach, Naam), cycle tracking can be so powerful (dare I say magical?!). 

For my own cycle management, I journal 4-5x a week along with tracking my cycle daily on Natural Cycles. These two methods have helped me track my cycle consistently for a year now. 

But the real magic of cycle tracking comes from reflection of past cycles. 

Each month when I start my bleed (Day 1 - Menstrual Phase), I look to my Natural Cycles app to view my cycle length and ovulation day to pinpoint the length of each phase. Then I review my journal from the last month (even further back sometimes) to take a look at the following… 

👉 My energy levels
👉 How I was feeling
👉 What major events happened
👉 What major themes of awareness and growth I was working on 
👉 What the moon was up to: Phases and sign it was stationed in

Then the magic starts happening! There are plenty of connections to make when you take a look back at your cycle. Patterns and trends that not only your mind and body, but the divine are trying to get your attention on. 

My favorite major impact reflection was a BIG DEAL! It happened relatively recently as well. I was journaling on October 9th’s Full Moon in Aries. During my ritual, I felt the urge to take a look at the last few cycles. 

I found that I started my menstrual phase on an Aquarius moon. For the past three cycles. That’s a pretty consistent pattern. My period used to link with the Full Moon, but I noticed it starting to change slightly. Curiously, I found the actual pattern- the moon’s energy, not the phases that my cycle is syncing with. 

What was so special about an Aquarian moon? All I knew is that I had a placement in Aquarius. What does that mean? Time to break open the books and charts! Turns out my Aquarius placement is Saturn in the 2nd house. 

Let’s break all that down…

Starting with an Aquarius moon - These moons are all about connecting the dots, stepping back, getting perspectives and big ideas. It asks us what unique systems or techniques we have in place that creatively make the way we do things better. It also asks us to share those ways to our community. Promoting yourself is good around this time- holding classes, events, workshops.

What was such a big deal here is that I went against my routine during my last few bleeds; I still showed up for my community to teach them Human Design or Cycle Management. Each of the speaking engagements landed during the Aquarius moon. Coincidence? 

Moving onto Saturn - The planet of responsibility, restraint and ambition. Saturn forces us to mature by presenting us with adversity. What mistakes do we make over and over again? Saturn rules over time and constraints. 

This is where I started noticing something major. My niche is time management, productivity and balance. Saturn in Aquarius focuses on great ideas on how to create an enlightened society and practical yet novel ideas around problem solving. This connects right into that vein as I use Human Design and Cycle Management to help women create better balance in their lives. 

Now hold onto that little nugget as I introduce the last layer. My Saturn is located in my 2nd house which rules wealth and material possessions. How I make money. Is your mind blown yet?

Unconsciously, the last few cycles have been focused on reassuring me that I’m on the right path with my businesses and purpose. Consciously, during this time I was tested to take on a full-time corporate job and scale my businesses back. It was the perfect tempting opportunity that honored my work boundaries and would lead to a major income increase.

During that week leading up to the Full Moon though, my fire around what I do came back and I came to a decision to re-invest back into my businesses, and say no to going back into a full-time corporate job. 

Interesting how one thread of a pattern from your cycle can reaffirm your whole existence, huh? Ok maybe that’s a little much to say, but my discovery was pretty major. This is just one way of honing in magic by cycle tracking. Once you notice one pattern, there is much more that reveals itself to you. I can’t wait for you to try it for yourself! 

In need of a cycle balance for your business and/or personal life? 

Check out my recent Lunch + Learn with BabeCrafted below, where I shared more tips about creating balance through aligned strategy by using Human Design and cycle management. 





5 Ways to Reduce Stress as a Virtual Assistant


Introduction to Cycle Tracking