7 Retrograde Rituals to Manage Anxiety 

✨ When the planets are moving mad, so is your inner world - for good reason. Add a few of my favorite ways to soothe the retrograde feels when anxiety or stress become too overwhelming.

Hot Take: I LOVE retrogrades.

I know, I know, many have formed the opinion that they are something to fear because retrogrades inspire slowing down, perhaps moving backwards, feelings of being stuck or underlying feelings coming up to be reckoned with- possibly causing some collateral damage to relationships, work and habits.

So when the planets are moving mad, my anxiety is ON. I can only assume that it’s the same for you too. For this particular retrograde, my relationships will be the focus with emotions dialed up. It’s not only a potential make it or break it situation for relationships until September, but it’s a time to heal some major wounds around loving yourself. 

(If you’re not aware of the Venus retrograde happening until September, my favorite accounts, Chani and Cosmic Latte, break it all down for you so you can be aware on how to take care of yourself during these astro events.)

Cue my anxious attachment style.

Which lightly means that if I’m not shown consistency, I feel abandoned, neglected or ghosted, which frays my nervous system.

Cue the trigger.

As I’ve dipped my toe into dating again, I’ve found a great connection. It’s early days but after a GREAT few weeks of seeing and speaking often, his work has picked up and he’s been a bit stressed causing him to hermit. This means less communication… A LOT less communication.

Cue my reaction.

Just as I was feeling comfy being vulnerable, my mind is scrambled thinking the worst, which is undermining the connection and trust we’ve built.

Which leaves me staring right back into the root of my anxious attachment style, which Venus would clearly like me to work on these next few months.

Normally, I just let the anxiety and attachment to this connection run my life, having him on my mind constantly, forgetting my worth and eventually self-sabotaging. Not this time. We’re going to face it all head on through grounding and self-soothing rituals. 

Here’s a few of my favorites to help sooth my anxiety:

  1. A 10-minute guided meditation focused on anxiety and breathwork

  2. Going for a 20-40 minute hot girl walk in the sunshine

  3. Journaling my triggers and stating cold, hard facts that my anxiety cannot twist into a worrying narrative

  4. Listening to binaural music and dancing around to shake out stagnant, anxious energy

  5. Empowering myself with mirror affirmations centered around a secure attachment style

  6. Making some tea or hot cocoa and FEELING the emotions- cry or scream into a pillow

  7. And the most simple of them all, giving myself a big hug

Learning grounding and self-soothing methods have helped me take care of myself while promoting re-parenting and greater self love to move my anxious attachment style towards one of secure attachment.

(Want to learn more about attachment styles? Find your style here.)

And because you know I’m a wellness girlie, I’m now incorporating a few of my favorite practices into my AM/PM rituals as this retrograde progresses.

This is exactly why I love retrogrades. It promotes you to examine what my therapist likes to say “the gunk on the frying pan”. Those hard to scrub away layers of root causes and under the surface boiling points that come up when the pressure is on. Retrogrades create the boiling water to help you come to terms with behaviors or habits holding you back.

Will I be fully healed by the end of this Venus retrograde? Perhaps not and that is OK. Healing does not happen on a timeline. The first step is always the most important and that is one of awareness.

So take a mindful moment to reflect- 

✨ Are you experiencing bits of anxiety lately? 

✨ What is Venus promoting you to heal right now? Not just in your romantic relationships, but those of everyone in your community. 

✨ What grounding and self-soothing techniques have worked for you or would you like to try? 

Remember that it’s OK to feel anxiety, worry or any kind of emotion. During this period of time where Venus and other planets are moving mad, they are getting ready to catapult you into your next chapter.

Be aware, create a loving ritual to feel and you’re already on your way to heal. 

Never fear the retrograde,

Kristen ❤️


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