Turning 30: Your Cosmic Coming of Age

✨ With my dear friend turning 30 this month, I felt inspired to talk about the expectations and reality surrounding this highly anticipated age, it’s gifts, and books I recommend for whoever is in the thick of their Saturn Return.

I think that any birthday is just as magical as the next no matter what age you’re turning, but there’s something about 30, no?

It’s the age we wished we were in our early 20s.

It’s the age where most of us thought we’d have our version of “getting it together” would arrive.

It’s the age where those lofty goals from our post-uni days “should” be completed.

Where the expectation to “having it all” comes together.

As most of us come to realize around this cosmic coming of age, all those things come true...in a way. Not in a way you ever expected. Not in the way you thought it would unfold. But in the form of hard lessons, sobering experiences, and unfiltered healing does our version of all the above evolve.

As we grow in our late 20s, we may recognize our triggers out of self-awareness. We begin a version of our healing process, gently reflecting on mindsets that have conditioned us to hold ourselves back and the self-sabotaging habits we picked up on the way to 30. We start to approach energy differently, perhaps craving space and ease over the intentional “doing it for the plot” chaos.

It’s where all those pre-conceived thoughts about what this age will hold gets scrambled and reveals what an actual up-leveled version of yourself looks like. That up-leveled version requires more care, self-love, support, nourishing relationships, asking for help, standing up for yourself, confidence, your light and dark feminine energies, and much more.

This period of time most of all requires intention, discernment, and discipline.

Otherwise known as a Saturn Return- where from 28-31 you’re experiencing all the above’s light and shadow for roughly 4 years to propel you forward into a version of you that is more authentic and surrounding yourself with the values, habits, relationships, and energy that is most aligned to you.

Just think about Jenna from 13 going on 30. That ENTIRE movie was about a woman’s journey through her Saturn Return in just an hour and a half.

When you turn 30, like my dear friend, you’re truly in the thick of it. You’re a little more than halfway through it. You’re at the point in the movie where Jenna starts figuring out the truth about her own relationships at 30 and has to make some hard choices.

Like the experiences of our heroine, you may start to notice that…

🪐 There are little, frequent nudges from the universe encouraging you to get back to that passion project

🪐 There’s a shift in who you surround yourself with causing you to let go of unhealthy connections

🪐 There’s an effort in taking care of your mind, body, and soul where new habits are formed to honor each one

🪐 There’s a sense of coming back to oneself

During this chapter of my Saturn Return, there was plenty I was doing to nourish myself during this hard, wild, but illuminating, happy time. So when I think of my friend turning 30 this month, I thought about giving her some books to help her wade through the chaos to the other side.

This “Cosmic Coming of Age” book collection includes:

There are plenty more I’d recommend, but these are just a few that will fill that space of comfort and epiphany as “chicken soup for the soul” did for us when we were teenagers.

Reflection Prompts:

✨ What grounding rituals are you doing now that you picked up during your Saturn Return that helped scale the rocky terrain?

✨ What books have you read that helped guide you in your journey to alignment?

✨ What’s one goal that you wanted to complete by 30? Did it happen? If so, was it how you thought it would turn out? If not, what did you make room for instead?

Wishing you a cozy day filled with a good book,

Kristen ❤️


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