Setting Summer Intentions with a Digital Cleanse

✨ Summer break kick-off with a digital cleanse

While meditating earlier this month, I was curious to feel into what this Summer’s themes are. Here’s what came forward: solitude, pleasure, balance, alignment. Doesn’t that sound juicy? I’m here for it.

These words helped guide me into realizing how badly I needed a full-on break. And if I need one, YOU most certainly need one as well. Can you remember the last time you took a vacation or just a few days off to rest?

So this Summer, I’m going to take a full pause to live up to my Summer words before heading into the second half of the year.

Looking forward to these next few months, I’m channeling my inner child and inviting play to introduce the word pleasure back into the fold. That means more time in nature and not having a to-do list with more than 2 things on it daily. That’s right, a maximum of 2 to-dos each work day. That means I’ll be done by noon! Hello half-days and playing in the sun!

That’ll surely help introduce the words balance and alignment, but I want to take it a step further.

I’ve been craving a digital cleanse. Trust me, I’m no stranger to taking the occasional detox as Vow + Vast’s social has its own seasons of being active and hitting pause to get re-inspired on all digital fronts. This time, it’s personal though. 

I don’t know if you’ve been feeling this lately, but social and marketing in general are… not it. What I’m doing now isn’t resonating with me the way it used to. I no longer enjoy it and have been slowly shifting into hermit mode. That’s when you know its bad!

So stepping into this Summer cleanse will surely help to provide clarity and new inspiration in showing up in my own authentic way. And instead of drawing inspiration from what other’s are doing in the feeds, I’ll be taking inspiration from what’s around me physically.

This is where the last Summer word of solitude stems from. Being with myself and my own thoughts without influence from social media. Without the scrolling, what thoughts will I be left to deal with? What cringey parts of shows and movies will I not be able to avoid? I’ve relied on social for a good distraction but nowadays I find it to be such a strong form of connection to my community. This will be sorely missed!

That’s why doing this cold turkey won’t be in the equation, but a slow ease like dipping a toe into the water will be the BEST approach.

While this Summer cleanse will focus primarily on social media, there are other digital items I'd like to manage my time on as well. So can you! Join me for a 5-Day Digital Summer Cleanse, a daily dose of digital cleanse tips and challenges delivered to your inbox helping you take the Summer off from all things digital.

Ready to join me in saying hello to presence and goodbye to scrolling? Click HERE to sign-up!

Let’s Summer together,

Kristen ❤️


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