2024 Moon Energy + Eclipse Calendar


This calendar serves as a valuable tool for tracking the lunar cycles and celestial events throughout the year. Offering a precise schedule of moon phases, including full moons and new moons (as well as this year’s solar and lunar eclipses) this calendar enables you to stay attuned to the cosmic rhythms shaping our experiences.

By understanding the influence of each lunar phase, you can optimize your activities, from planning important events to enhancing self-reflection during introspective moments.

For example, during a new moon, you may want to focus on setting intentions and planning for the month ahead. During a full moon, you may want to take action towards your goals or release any negative energy that may be holding you back.

Additionally, the calendar aids in anticipating and appreciating the rare occurrences of eclipses.

This calendar is a practical and insightful guide for those seeking to align their lives with the ebb and flow of the moon.


Directions to Upload

Moon Phase Descriptions

Eclipse Descriptions

Lifestyle Prompts

This calendar comes in .ics format compatible with Apple and Google Calendar and will be shared with you after purchase as a digital document.

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