2024 Retrograde Calendar


This calendar serves as a tool for navigating the cyclical retrograde energy amongst our planets. Understanding retrograde energy is crucial for minimizing potential challenges in communication, relationships, and decision-making.

For example, knowing when mercury retrograde is on it’s way so you can be aware of tech glitches and remind yourself to take your time with detail-oriented tasks. By consulting the retrograde weather, you can proactively plan and adapt to the unique energy dynamics associated with each retrograde, enhancing your ability to navigate life's complexities with greater ease.

The calendar empowers you to make informed choices during retrograde periods, fostering resilience and helping you harness the celestial energies for personal growth and success.


Directions to Upload

Moon Phase Descriptions

Eclipse Descriptions

Lifestyle Prompts

This calendar comes in .ics format compatible with Apple and Google Calendar and will be shared with you after purchase as a digital document.

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